Bateman's Jacobean house, home of Rudyard Kipling

Bateman’s is a writers retreat. Kipling loved this 17th century house. It was a little piece of paradise, a place where he could enjo...

St Mary Church Tower in Rye, East Sussex

This clock, which for over four hundred years has recorded the passing of the hours for the towns-people of Rye

 Was made during the years 1560-2 by a man from Winchelsea named Lewys Billiard. The Churchwarden's accounts show the cost to have been £33.18.0. which would have been about £250 today. It is said to be the oldest turret clock still operational with its original works in England.
The dial and Quarter Boys date from the year 1700. The pendulum beats but once in two and a quarter seconds. It is dated 1810.
In 1958 the clock was cleaned for the first time in thirty two years.
The photos above include view looking North and North West from the Tower

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