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History of Lamb House Rye East Sussex

Lamb House has been the inspiration and setting for a vast range of authors and books alike and once played host to George I. Explore the past of this Sussex treasure.

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Fit for a kingLamb House was built in 1722 by James Lamb, a wealthy wine merchant and local politician. George I stayed at the house after a storm drove his ship ashore at Camber in 1726, Lamb House was considered the most suitable accommodation and James Lamb gave up his bed to the King for several days. In 1832 George Augustus Lamb sold the house to a wealthy local banker. 

An inspiring place to writeThe American novelist Henry James discovered Rye and Lamb House quite by chance whilst visiting an architect friend. He was enchanted by the house and delighted when the chance came to lease it in 1897. He bought it two years later. 

James wrote three of his novels here, The Wings of the Dove, The Ambassadors and The Golden Bowl. He wrote in the garden room, a self-contained building next to the house built in 1743 as a separate banqueting room and destroyed in 1940 during a bombing raid. Lamb House appeared as Mr Longdon’s home in James’s novel, The Awkward Age. 

A home of grand connectionsE F Benson's Mapp and Lucia novels were based on Rye with Lamb House starring in a lead role as 'Malllards', the home of Miss Mapp. Varied styles of writing have been penned here and with such central positioning in the town, it's not surprising that local characters and buildings have inspired great bodies of writing. The house has played host to many esteemed guests too. 

Literary connectionsThe house became a centre for Henry James’s wide circle of literary friends, including H.G.Wells, Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling, Max Beerbolm, Hilaire Beloc G.K.Chesterton, Compton Mackenzie and Ford Maddox Ford. 

James spent the majority of his time in Rye but died in London in 1916. It was his wish to return to Lamb House during his final days but was too ill to be moved.Things to see and do at Lambs House 

Literary connectionsAmerican novelist Henry James discovered the house by chance and bought it in 1899. He wrote several novels here and entertained peers such as H. G. Wells, Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling, G. K. Chesterton and Ford Madox Ford. The ground floor rooms contain some of James's furniture, pictures, personal possessions, photographs and letters. 

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The  garden
Lamb House has one of the largest walled gardens in the old town of Rye; it was designed by Alfred Parsons. The Campsis still climbs the wall as it did in James’ time; there are roses, lilies, spring bulbs and many herbaceous varieties bordering the lawn. Also in the garden are the graves of James’ much loved dogs. Today the garden is a tranquil refuge for visitors and local people alike. 

A noteable tenantMargaret Rumer Godden, OBE (1907-1998): was an author of more than sixty books, both fiction and non-fiction. Her first best-seller was in 1939 for the novel: Black Narcissus and she won the Whitbread Award in 1972 for her novel: The Diddakoi. Rumer Godden was the tenant of Lamb House from 1968-1973. Colourful coversSir Brian Caldwell Cook Batsford (1910-1991), better known as Brian Cook, designed book dust jackets, with distinctive vibrant covers, from the 1930s to the 1950s. He was also a painter, publisher, a Member of Parliament and was knighted in 1974. 

Sir Brian was the tenant of Lamb House from 1980-1987. 

Get readingWhen you visit us, take a look at the varied books we have on offer. 

We stock a wide range of reading by associated authors who visited or lived at the house. The garden on a fine day is the perfect place to sit a while and bury your head in your new purchase.

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